squid risotto

this ain’t vegan but since i cooked it recently for family and friends and it was highly appreciated, i should write it down for future requests. It’s basically the same recipe i used as inspiration plus cocoa powder.


Clean the squid, boil it in water for around 30 minutes, until tender. Slice it in big chunks (or whatever chunk size you prefer). If you wish you can filter the cooking water and add some of it to the vegetable stock for a stronger flavour.

Sauté the shallots in oil, add the minced garlic and chopped squid, then add the rice and keep stirring until it is slightly toasted. Deglaze with white wine. Keep cooking adding stock when needed as for any risotto. A few minutes before the rice is cooked, add white fennel, cherry tomatoes (squash them lightly first). When ready, sprinkle a couple teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder, fold it in, cover the pot for a few minutes and let the risotto rest before serving.