cheese bliss

despite having recently switched to being a non-strict vegan, i am in complete cheese bliss mode today.

i saw a small packet waiting for me when i got home tonight, and i thought it would be some journals i had ordered a few days ago. but instead the label on the front said “cheese”, and indeed my dear friend D had sent me some gorgeous gorgonzola and extra-mature cheddar from London!

which is not only an extremely sweet thing in itself: i received this just the day after i had been thinking (and silently moaning) that i can get decent cheese here, but not, specifically, real gorgonzola, the lush italian one.

needless to say, i put it to good use on the spot, by cooking one of my favourite quick recipes: boiled potatoes, gorgonzola, sundried black olives, all sprinkled with abundant extra virgin olive oil. that’s very close to the idea of heaven, in my gluttonous-bon-viveur corner of the world.

D is the ontological proof that good will eventually overcome evil in the universe.

happy bunny